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Open contracting at the OGP Summit in Paris

Get ready for a week of open contracting en masse. We are excited to meet so many of our partners and colleagues in Paris for the Open Government Partnership Summit. This comes with a particular sense of pride as more than 15 countries have made new open contracting commitments since we last met in Mexico.

I wanted to briefly share some of what’s happening and hope you can join us.

The OGP Paris Declaration is set to have a strong commitment to open contracting.

But OGP commitments alone don’t get you up the Eiffel Tower. Lots of stairs need to be climbed before you can enjoy the view. Who’s prepared to make the ascent? This is where a new study by Hivos and Article 19 will fill a gap. The research, which we’ve supervised, looks at the readiness of governments and civil society actors in 15 countries to publish and use open contracting data and documents.

Top that all off with countless coffees and un verre de champagne. What better place than Paris to celebrate a revolution in procurement!

Oh là là.