Impact stories

More than 50 countries and cities, from Argentina to Zambia, are pursuing open contracting reforms. It takes hard work, political will, technical skills, and sustained engagement.

Here we tell stories from around the world that show how open contracting is changing lives — from value for money to value for many. Better access to affordable medicines, healthier school lunches, and improving competition are just some of the results we are seeing. Even during the pandemic we have seen that buying fast and transparent is possible.

Get a backroom view on the people who made these changes happen – government officials, civic technologists, businesspeople, journalists, and citizens and how open contracting data is driving reforms.



Story Types

Buy open, buy fast

How open contracting helped Lithuania’s Coronavirus response

Dhangadhi, Nepal: An open secret to building local infrastructure on time and budget

How open contracting has empowered citizens, government and engineers

Better together: How Ugandans are improving procurement with data and dialogue

A network of determined transparency advocates convinced the government that open contracting could improve decision-making and oversight

Bedrock for better public infrastructure in Honduras

How open contracting is driving more powerful controls — from spot checks to analyzing sector trends

How do you build a network of citizen corruption fighters?

We've asked Ukraine’s revolutionaries

Open data and collective action: How student activists help neglected schools in Paraguay

With consistent community pressure, there has been a dramatic improvement in how funds for school facilities are allocated in Cd del Este

The deals behind the meals

How open contracting helped fix Colombia’s biggest school meal program

Paraguay’s transparency alchemists

How citizens are using open contracting to improve public spending

Open it to fix it

How Nigerians are shedding light on public deals with data

Using open data to boost business opportunities for women in Albania

Through open data, AIS has been able to analyze the effectiveness of policies that seek to foster opportunities for female entrepreneurs.

'Everyone sees everything'

Overhauling Ukraine's corrupt contracting sector.

Anti-Corruption Repairs Map

The mobile app helping residents to verify procurement projects

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