Annual Report 2023


We made great strides in our mission to open up and transform public procurement in 2023.

Every year we set ourselves hard targets to demonstrate real-world impact and change, not only on policies but also on the whole procurement market and on people’s lives. We are proud to have met or exceeded those targets in 2023. 

Our work with partners to improve flood defenses benefited up to six million vulnerable people in Assam, India; nearly 100% of Lithuania’s government procurement used green criteria; we supported heroic reformers building a culture of integrity and economic inclusion in places like the Dominican Republic, and much more. 

We doubled down on our big bet to support Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction. What started as a more aspirational coalition, turned into active implementation of a radical Digital Reconstruction Ecosystem for Accountable Management (DREAM) accompanied by major institutional and policy reforms. DREAM is rapidly becoming the default vehicle for coordinating the recovery and resilience of the country in the face of Russia’s appalling aggression, with more than 1,600 projects worth over $1 billion under its management in its first year and scaling rapidly.

We work in challenging times and not everything goes smoothly. The UN Convention Against Corruption’s landmark resolution on procurement wasn’t agreed upon until the wee hours of the morning after the scheduled conclusion of the conference. The French government, who sponsored the resolution, held out for ambitious and progressive language supporting open contracting and won through in the end. That feels like the story of 2023: hard work and going the extra mile to get the best results.

2023 also marked the end of our second five-year strategy. In total, we estimate the reforms that we supported positively impacted 209 million lives and US$116 billion of public spending. We documented 14 different examples where open contracting resulted in major changes in competition, efficiency, value for money, integrity, innovation, and inclusion, as well as supporting fundamentally better pandemic procurement. Check out our brand new strategy to 2030 for how we will take those lessons to make public procurement deliver for people and the planet. 

I invite you to read on as we take you on a tour of how we did that with all our amazing reformers and allies around the world in 2023…

Dr. Gavin Hayman, Executive Director, Open Contracting Partnership

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In Numbers


Net Promoter Score for OCP


open contracting data publishers, 57 since 2019


new progress stories, 29 since 2019


new global norms: IDB Transparency in Infrastructue Principles; UNCAC resolution on integrity in procurement; East Africa Procurement Forum Resolution. 11 new global norms since 2019


in direct support for our partners through grants & consultancies, $5m since 2019


local media mentions of open contracting, 1,427 since 2019


publishers improving the quality of their open contracting data, 20 since 2019


new impact stories, 14 since 2019


actors using OCDS data, 78 since 2019


times our resources were accessed, 532,659 since 2019


lives and US$116 billion of public spending positively impacted in five years

Highlight: open contracting stories

Our work

Read more about our work and partners across the globe.


We focused on making public procurement more inclusive, by increasing opportunities for disadvantaged groups such as women-led businesses.


We deepened our footprint in the region, building on our impact, strengthening coalitions of change, and seeing key projects come to fruition.

EECA & Ukraine

We created a strong coalition of CSOs to demand transparent, accountable, and efficient public procurement.


We focused on using public procurement to implement sustainable policy objectives and provided guidance to strengthen the EU procurement data architecture.

Latin America

We partnered with governments, civil society, and businesses to fix procurement by fighting corruption, boosting inclusion, and delivering better public services.


We demonstrated that better procurement can serve the environment and historically disadvantaged businesses through our work with partners under the Lift program.

Digital tools highlight


Enabling access to credit for small businesses that have been awarded public contracts.

Red flags dashboard

Flagging corruption risks in real-time for better, more efficient, and accountable public procurement processes.


Connecting entrepreneurs to government contracts and providing real-time high-quality feedback on irregularities to the government.

Our organization

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