Our partners

As a multi-stakeholder initiative we work with partners worldwide, such as governments, businesses, civil society organizations, academia, and the media.

To really get to scale and to see sustained impact, we work with and through partners to both capacitate and fund the open contracting community. We are the Open Contracting Partnership: we know that we can’t do this work alone.

We have specific engagement agreements with the following organizations to broaden our impact and reach.

Our engagement criteria

When there is a request or opportunity for us to deploy higher intensity support (funding, consultants, in person training and support), we will assess the opportunity according to the following investment criteria:

  1. Clear goal: To what extent is there a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) goal that our implementing counterparts (government and/or non-government) are trying to achieve through open contracting, including addressing specific problems or tied to specific social results?
  2. Mandate: To what extent is there a robust, specific, and actionable political mandate, clear leadership, action plan, and/or compliance mechanism, to help achieve the goal?
  3. Political buy-in: To what extent are there influential government and non-government actors who are willing to spend their political capital and other needed resources to achieve the goal?
  4. Resources: Are there clearly identified resources (especially money) backing the implementation?
  5. Skills: To what extent do actors have the knowledge and skills—public contracting and/or sector-specific, and data-related technical—to achieve the goal?
  6. Data infrastructure: To what extent do actors have the existing technical infrastructure to achieve their goals? How big of a LIFT would it be?
  7. Collaboration: To what extent are actors willing and capable of working together to meet the goal?
  8. Opposition: To what extent is there opposition to the goal?
  9. Physical security: What is the country’s level of access to information, civil liberties and civil society repression?
  10. Strategy, learning & community building: To what extent might this implementation help us, our partners and the wider global community to learn and improve our work and to advance global advocacy?
  11. Internal skills & capacity: To what extent does the OCP team itself have the internal skills and capacity needed for this engagement or project?