IACC 2022: Uprooting Corruption, Defending Democratic Values
The International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) is the world’s largest conference with a focus on anticorruption. It brings together heads of state, civil society, the private sector and more to tackle the increasingly sophisticated challenges posed by corruption. This year’s IACC will be held under the theme: Uprooting Corruption, Defending Democratic Values.
Our world runs on public contracts. But public procurement is government’s #1 corruption risk. As we’ve seen during the pandemic, our current systems are not set up to ensure procurement delivers better services, works and goods for people and the planet.
Meet us at the IACC as Open Contracting Partnership will share our insights from supporting partners in government, civil society and journalism. Open contracting’s four cornerstones of outcome-driven, data-driven, participatory and sustainable procurement serve as a framework for change.
Public procurement is a great springboard for CSOs and citizens to engage in investigating corruption. Citizens, activists, journalists have a key role to play monitoring public contracting and participate in the process. Standardized open data can be used to detect red flags in the millions of contracts signed each year. Open contracting can break up the traditional power structure to ensure public money is spent inclusively and sustainably.
Find out how open contracting can uncover corruption and address critical issues from Ukraine’s reconstruction, to fast and efficient emergency procurement in the following key sessions:
Tuesday, 6 December
- 10 Pathways to Empower Citizen Investigators to Stop Corruption.
Organized by SEEK, Open Contracting Partnership. 5-7pm.
Wednesday, 7 December
- How to Ensure Maximum Transparency and Accountability of the Post-war Reconstruction and Recovery of Ukraine
Organized by TI Ukraine, OCP, RISE Coalition. 8:30-10:30am
Thursday, 8 December
- Ensuring a Sustainable and Inclusive Recovery: Innovative Anti-Corruption Responses to COVID-19
Organized by the IMF. Speakers include Kristen Robinson, Head of Advocacy. 8:30-10:30am - Dekleptification: Uprooting Entrenched Corruption During Windows of Opportunity
Organized by USAID. With a contribution by reAcción. 8:30-10:30am
Friday, 9 December
- The Fight Beyond the Battlefield: Supporting Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Efforts
Organized by USDOS. With a contribution by RISE Ukraine. 8:30-10:30am - Using Tech and Data in Anti-Corruption Interventions: Moving from Innovation to Buy-In
Organized by Accountability Lab. 8:30-10:30am - Managing Corruption Related Risks in Public Spending During Emergencies: Mission (Im)Possible?
Organized by Transparency International. With a contribution by TI Lithuania. 6-8pm
Saturday, 10 December
- Digitally Transforming the Fight against Corruption: a Closer look to the Developing World
Coordinated by CAF. Speakers include Kathrin Frauscher, OCP’s Deputy Executive Director. 2:30-4pm
- Using the Global Data Barometer to Advance Political Integrity Transparency in OGP Commitments
Organized by Transparency International. 2:30-4pm
Read more about our findings on the Barometer’s public procurement module.
Region: International
Audience: Civic Tech