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18 - 21 June 2024

Procurement at the International Anti-Corruption Conference

Organisation: IACC. Location: Vilnius, Lithuania

The International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) wouldn’t be complete without looking at the road ahead for tackling government’s number one corruption risk – public procurement! 

The first-ever UNCAC resolution dedicated to public procurement was agreed at the 10th Conference of States Parties in Atlanta. Its focus on civic monitoring, private sector integrity, data, digitization, and red flags risk monitoring brings good practice standards up to date, and gives our community a renewed opportunity to push forward from agreements and contracts on paper to modern digitization, data and concrete implementation in practice.

We’ll be in Vilnius, Lithuania to lead the conversation on open contracting. Where can you find us to network and exchange ideas? And which panels will we be watching closely? Join our IACC WhatsApp community and read on!

Open Contracting Wednesday, 19 June

We will co-host two side events:

Open contracting at the IACC lunch!

When: 12-1:30pm
Where: We’ll grab a table or two in the lunch area. 

What: An informal discussion among peers on everyone’s latest open contracting work and our opportunities and challenges to advance our reform goals, from funding ideas to using international fora and review mechanisms, including the UNCAC procurement resolution deliverables, G20, MDBs and upcoming Summit of the America. Come exchange your updates and share insights, learnings and intel with peers!

Join our IACC WhatsApp community for procurement nerds to stay updated and network in Vilnius!

Just and Transparent Financing of Ukraine’s Reconstruction 

When: 3:30-5pm

OCP’s Gavin Hayman will present DREAM – Ukraine’s digital reconstruction platform, the first of its kind in end-to-end transparency and citizen engagement across the whole recovery cycle. Join us to see how it works and what we can learn from it for other conflict and disaster recovery contexts.

Corruption Measurement: How to Hit a Moving Target? 

When: 5:30-7pm

OCP’s Gavin Hayman will be joining a panel led by UNDP on how we can use data to measure corruption, and by extension, our progress on mitigating and reducing its occurrence and impact on development outcomes. As the highest corruption risk area for governments with a direct impact on citizens – from school buildings that don’t meet safety codes to faulty PPE to subpar sanitation services, inadequate climate mitigation infrastructure and more – procurement data has plenty of insights to offer across the more than 100 risk indicators along procurement cycle from planning to tendering to contract award, management and quality assurance in implementation.

Drinks reception to celebrate the UNCAC resolution on public procurement

When: 7-9pm
Where: French Ambassador’s Residence 

What: An invitation-only drinks reception co-hosted by the Government of France and Open Contracting Partnership to mark the first-ever UN resolution dedicated to public procurement, and galvanize CSO, multilateral, private sector and government support to see through strong implementation. 

NOTE: This event has limited capacity and is invitation only for security considerations and space constraints, so please contact Kristen directly for more details.

Procurement panels we’re excited about

From Red Flags to Green Lights: Business Integrity Solutions for Public Procurement

When: Thursday, 20 June, 6-7:30pm

OCP partners Transparency International, CIPE and others will look at the role of businesses in promoting integrity in public procurement. Procurement is where government, society and the private sector meet, and we’re looking forward to considering the role of suppliers and SMEs in particular in promoting a healthy, competitive, fair and transparent procurement market.


Region: Europe

Audience: CSOs