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27 June 2024

Putting green procurement at the center of public services | How Lithuania did it

Organisation: Cyd Cymru. Location: 1-2PM BST | Virtual

In 2020, only 5% of the public procurement spending by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania set criteria that favored environmentally friendly products and services. By December 2023, the uptake of green public procurement across Lithuanian public institutions had increased to an impressive 94% by value, and 93% by total procedures.

To hear first-hand about this and ask questions, join our Head of Europe, Karolis Granickas, and Kęstutis Kazulis, Principal Advisor at the Public Procurement Office of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, for the ‘Cydrannu’ knowledge sharing webinar on Thursday 27 June from 1 – 2 PM (UK time).

Register to attend

Region: International

Audience: Civic Tech