Fighting corruption in public procurement with open data
USAID Anti-Corruption Community of Practice Meeting
Join us to explore how open procurement data can be used in the fight against corruption in public contracting.
“Open data is publicly available data that can be universally and readily accessed, used and redistributed free of charge. It is structured for usability and computability.” – GovLab: Open Data Impact: When Demand and Supply Meet.
Open data creates new opportunities for cross-border collaboration, in-depth fact-finding and the analysis of relationships across large quantities of data: from red-flag analysis to linking up contracting, company records and beneficial ownership information.
This participatory session will:
- Critically introduce the growing landscape of open data available to address corruption – with a focus on anti-corruption in procurement.
- Present case studies on the use of open data to prevent, detect, investigate and prosecute corruption in public procurement across the world;
- Discuss the opportunities and challenges for increased use of open data and procurement for anti-corruption.
Discussions from the session will feed into the final draft of the International Open Data Charter Anti-Corruption Sector Package, to be launched at the UK Anti-Corruption Summit in May 2016.
The session will be facilitated by Kathrin Frauscher from the Open Contracting Partnership, Rafael Garcia Aceves from Transparencia Mexicana, and Tim Davies from Practical Participation, an independent researcher on the civic role of open data.