World Sustainable Contracting Day 2022
This one-day virtual event organized by WorldCC is dedicated to tackling the challenges of implementing environmental, social and governance practices in public procurement. The agenda features thought-leading keynotes and practical breakout sessions where contracting professionals will come to learn and share experiences.
OCP will be participating in the breakout session “Sustainable Procurement Now: Why buying green can’t wait until 2050”
Public procurement has a meaningful role in addressing climate change and helping us achieve the SDGs around sustainability. Products and services acquired through public procurement are associated with the emission of 15% of global greenhouse gases. We will bring together inspiring reformers who are using contracting data and processes to fight climate injustice and drive sustainable economic development. We will share practical tools and experiences from the US and Latin America to help public buyers drive forward green public procurement.
Date: 17 May 2022
Region: International
Audience: CSOs