Publishing your procurement data according to the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS) is a means to achieving your greater open contracting reform goals. Read all about OCDS on our standard documentation site and make use of these guided learning resources to know Learn how to publish data according Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS)
BEGINDiscover the Open Contracting Data Standard
The Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS) enables disclosure of data and documents at all stages of the contracting process by defining a common data model. It was created to support organizations to increase contracting transparency and allow deeper analysis of contracting data by a wide range of users.
The Open Contracting Data Standard documentation is your key resource to implementing the data standard. It provides you with access to the latest version of the data specification, guidance on data publication, documentation of extensions, and other relevant resources.
This learning lab walks you through what you should know about the Open Contracting Data Standard schema as you start your learning and implementation journey.
This learning lab explains how the Open Contracting Data Standard was developed and how you can participate in its development..
Connect OCDS to the contracting process
This section helps you get started with mapping the OCDS to your procurement system and explains how OCDS’ records and release model works to track changes in information across the whole cycle of public procurement decisions.
These slides walk thorugh the basics of OCDS publication including the key users and use cases for your OCDS project and how to identify the data and documents you will publish from your contracting process.
Tracking change over time is important for users of contracting data. These slides walk through how the OCDS releases and records model tracks changes, how to publish updates to a contracting process, and how to maintain a history of changes.
Implement OCDS to publish contracting data
Now you have a foundational understanding of the open contracting standard and the factors to be considered in designing your OCDS implementation for success, you can proceed to doing the groundwork of matching up your procurement data to comply with the standard. Work through this process using our learning videos and other guided resources to proceed with your implementation journey.
Learn about the OCDS schema, its structure and the exact definitions of what you should be publishing and how it should be published
Use this tutorial to learn how to install OCDS Kit, identify the format OCDS data is provided in, compile OCDS releases, generate OCDS records and prepare data for use in other tools and load data into a database
Explore our curated list of recordings and resources from our community events and training workshops for additional guidance on implementing OCDS.
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