Our impact

Open contracting is not just a nice concept put forward by do-gooders. It genuinely leads to greater impact. At Open Contracting Partnership, we work on the ground with partners across government, business, and civil society to catalyze and assist specific local reforms at the city, regional and national level. And we can show that public procurement can be fairer, more efficient and more sustainable.

Sustained implementation of open contracting takes time and rarely proceeds on a smooth, linear path. We set a high bar for measuring impact. For us, impact means significant, widespread, documented change in competition, savings, service delivery, and/or improvement in governance or public trust.

We have developed resources to help you measure impact from the start of procurement reforms and we regularly write about what we have learned from our interventions.


In numbers

What we have achieved since 2019


Net Promoter Score for OCP


Open contracting data publishers


Systemic impact from open contracting reforms


High level global norms


projects, programs and organizations received non-OCP funding for open contracting work


Local media mentions of open contracting


Publishers improving the quality of their open contracting data.


Impact stories with an inclusion and sustainability focus


Actors using OCDS data


times our resources were accessed